Monday, February 22

Welcome to Carolina 40k

This blog is designed as a gathering point for our local gaming group and anyone that wants to join us, or converse with us. Our primary focus is Warhammer 40k, but members of the group play Warmachine, Hordes, board games and a little D&D.  We are located in northeast Columbia, South Carolina. We play at each other's house or at Heroes and Dragons.  If you play with a group around town we would love to hear from you.  We usually play on Saturdays, but a few of us play during the week as well.

All the members of the blog can now post articles.  Battle reports would be great, or painting logs, or anything else you think promotes the site and our group.  If you want me to do the write ups, I will, but send me the specifics and pictures at the email address below.

Contact us here

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